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Awards > Wiley-Blackwell Award
Wiley-Blackwell Award

EMR Best Paper Award 2012 - Annual prize

Conflict and Power Games in a Multinational Corporation: Sensegiving as a Strategy of Preservation (pages 1–16) – Issue 8.1, 2011, by ISRAEL DRORI and SHMUEL ELLIS

Gurus or Wizards? A Review of the Role of Management Consultants (pages 231–244) - Issue 8.4, 2011, by ANNA CANATO and ANTONIO GIANGRECO

EMR Best Paper Award 2011 - Annual prize

Sabine Nielsen and Morten Huse for the paper "Women directors' contribution to board decision-making and strategic involvement: The role of equality perception" which appeared in Volume 7, Issue1, Spring 2010.
Sabina Nielsen, and Morten Huse
Volume 7, Issue , Spring 2010

EMR Best Paper Award 2010– Annual prize

Michael Dahl, Aalborg University Denmark and Olav Sorenson, Yale School of Management, USA, for their paper, ‘The Embedded Entrepreneur’, which appeared in Volume 6, Issue 3 of the European Management Review.


Rome, 2010 - From left to right: Maurizio Zollo and Alfonso Gambardella, European Management Review Editors, and Brenda Rouse, Publisher, Palgrave Macmillan as they announce the names of the prize winners.


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