
EURAM is an association
managed by EIASM

Association of Directors of Research

Association of Directors of Research 
Supported by EFMD and EURAM

Mission statement

  • To be a network for directors of research in European Business and Management schools, sharing good practice, exchanging information, and understanding research and policy trends; 
  • To support the development of diverse research models and measures for successful Business and Management Schools in Europe
  • To promote the benefits of management research amongst policy makers, practitioners and other research users.


Open to all Research Directors and former Research Directors of Business and Management Schools in Europe. 


Tim BEDFORD, Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, UK
Svetlana SERDUKOV, Reims Management School, France
Jonathan WAREHAM, ESADE Business School, Spain

Next Workshop

7-8 October 2011, in Reims, France


For more information, please contact Luisa Jaffé,, EURAM Administrative Coordinator.

1st European Workshop for Research Directors of Business Schools

The Assotiation of Directors of Research held their 1st European Workshop for Research Directors of Business Schools on 2-3 September 2010 at Strathclyde University, Glasgow, Scotland.

Front row, from left to right: Radu Vranceanu, ESSEC Business School (France), Tim Bedford, Strathclyde University (UK), Helène Michel, ESC Chambéry (France), Michel Azaria,ISC Paris Management School (France).

Back row: Jang Singh, Odette School of Business (Canada), Achim Krausert, Nottingham University Business School, China Campus (China), Harry Mueller, University of Münster (Germany), Urve Venesaar, Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), Svetlana Serdukov, Reims Management School (France), Peter McKiernan, University of St Andrews (UK), Jonathan Winterton, Toulouse Business School (France), Georges Pariente, ISC Paris (France), Jonathan Wareham, ESADE Business School (Spain).

Other participants not in picture: Judith Fischer, Strathclyde University (UK), Paul Hibbert, Strathclyde University (UK), Colin Williams, University of Sheffield (UK).       &