From Henk Volberda, EURAM Vice President Research,
Dear Colleague,
On behalf of the EURAM annual conference organizing committee, I am pleased to announce the list of the Strategic Interest Groups (SIGs) for the 10th Annual meeting of EURAM to be held in Rome, Italy, in May 2010.
13 May 2009 the EURAM meeting on the formation of Strategic Interest Groups took place. On basis of the fruitful discussion we had, we created the provisional 12 SIGs representing the broad areas in Management. These SIGs will have the responsibility for the creation of the conference program (tracks), we would review papers and also proposals for tracks. This could alleviate the conference chair and enhance the quality of the academic program.
A brief description of the EURAM Strategic Interest Groups (SIGs) is to be found below. Click on the SIG of your choice to reach the description:
Business & Society
Corporate Governance
Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations
International Management
Knowledge and Learning
Organisational Behaviour (NEW: As of 2012)
Project Organising
Public Management
Research Methods and Research Practice
Sport as a Business: Internationalisation, Professionalisation, Commercialisation
Strategic Management
SIG: Business & Society
The Business & Society SIG’s objective, in order to develop a European based B &S research community, is to bring together scholars from various disciplines of the social sciences: management but also law, sociology, economics, political science, social psychology, history.....and philosophy, who share a common interest in B&S issues. The B&S SIG aims to promote research collaboration among its members through EURAM Conferences, networking, preparation of common publications and answers to EU or national funding programs.
The vast and contested B&S field includes several contenders: CSR, Business Ethics, Stakeholders Management, and Sustainable Management…..among others. The search for a common paradigm has fallen short, but a multiplicity of global crises involving business has stricken the world in recent years; the future does not look much brighter. What is important to responsible academics is the promotion of research and debate among those diverse currents confronting essential issues affecting the future of business, its various stakeholders and society as a whole. B&S SIG therefore welcomes, as members, researchers examining B&S issues from a variety of angles:
- Theoretical, methodological and/or empirical works,
- Managerial (strategy, finance, marketing, HRM, accounting and control, operations, supply chain management…) or more social/political orientations,
- Micro, meso (for instance, sector/global value chain or region) or macro lenses,
- Diachronic (historical) and/or synchronic studies,
- Classical, constructionist/institutionalist or critical analyses.
Business & Society SIG creation, in 2009, was the result of a joint effort by two networks of European scholars specializing in the study of interdependence between business firms and the broader society. One is the European Academy of Business In Society (EABIS) and the other is Réseau International de Recherche sur les Organisations et le Dévelopment Durable (RIODD- International Network of Research on Organisations and Sustainable Development).
The B&S SIG included 7 tracks in Rome 2010, and we held a first plenary session there, in order to begin the organization of our activities.
In Tallinn, we shall offer the following tracks:
- Business & Society General track
- Accounting, auditing and control for sustainability: interdisciplinary perspectives
- Alternative Approaches to Business Strategy and Management for Sustainable Development
- Culture, Events and Institutional Dynamics
In Tallinn, during the EURAM 2011 annual conference, we shall also hold a plenary session (Wednesday, June 1, 14:00 to 15:45) to welcome all our members and, together, define our priorities and the ways to animate a fruitful cooperation.
Steering committee:
Chair: Julienne Brabet, Université Paris Est, IRG,
Jean-François Chanlat, Université Paris Dauphine
Woyzeck Czakon, Katowice University,
Eric Pezet, Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
André Sobczak, Audencia Nantes School of Management
Lucrezia Songini, Bocconi School of Management
Corinne Vercher, Université Montpellier 3, ERFI
Maurizio Zollo, Bocconi University, CROMA
SIG: Corporate Governance
Mission and scope of Corporate Governance SIG
The corporate governance SIG welcomes studies exploring various aspects - antecedents and consequences - of corporate governance and boards of directors. Contributions adopting a wide set of theoretical lenses and research methods are strongly encouraged as well as studies analyzing corporate governance in different types of enterprises and different contexts, including different countries and regional cultures.
The corporate governance SIG has had a presence at EURAM since 2002 with the ambition to explore corporate governance and boards of directors from a management perspective. Since 2005 it has been developed in collaboration with the European Corporate Governance Group (ECGG) whose main aim is to support and develop a European management related corporate governance community. Aside from the annual meeting, the SIG offers a number of events throughout the year, including workshops and doctoral events.
EURAM 2012 Rotterdam
In Rotterdam (EURAM 2012) we offer the following tracks:
15. Corporate Governance General Track invites contributions from all areas related to corporate governance that are not explicitly covered by other tracks within the COGO SIG. Track chairs: Joan Enric Ricart, Alessandro Zattoni, Silke Machold, Pascual Berrone
16. Behavioral Perspectives on Corporate Governance: Boards of Directors and Worker Involvement invites papers that examine boards of directors and their relationships with the firm from a behavioral perspective, i.e., studies exploring the antecedents and consequences of board (non)involvement as well as analyzing boardroom dynamics, processes and structures. Track chairs: Gerwin van der Laan, Annette van den Berg, Ann Jorissen, Olivier van der Brempt, Hans van Ees
17. Family Business Research invites papers that provide new insights on topics related to family business succession, professionalization, conflict, performance dimensions, family processes, family governance systems, relational governance, non-economic goals and the role of trust. Track chairs: Andrea Calabro, Cristina Cruz, Donata Mussolino, Wim Voordeckers
18. Governance of Public and Nonprofit Organizations track is looking for papers that contribute to the development of an interdisciplinary research agenda investigating characteristics, scope and socio-economic features of different governance systems for public organizations in different social, cultural, political and economic environments. Track chairs: Chris Cornforth, Catherine Farrell, Luca Gnan, Alessandro Hinna, Fabio Monteduro, Gianluca Veronesi, Bram Verschuere
19. Top Management Teams & Business Elites welcomes papers investigating effects and antecedents of TMT and business elites’ characteristics, dynamics and behavior of upper echelons, interactions of top leaders and other executives, and stakeholders and multilevel perspectives. Track chairs: Sibel Yamak, Sabine Nielsen, Alejandro Escribá-Esteve, Alessandro Minichilli
20. Women on Boards: Antecedents, Dynamics and Consequences of Diverse Board Composition is a cross SIG track with the Gender, Race and Diversity in Organizations SIG and invites papers investigating antecedents, processes, dynamics and consequences/outcomes of the growing presence of women on boards. Track chairs: Katrin Hansen, Beverly Metcalfe, Mariateresa Torchia
Other activities at EURAM 2012 will include:
• A pre-conference session focusing on corporate governance and socially-responsible investment and investors
• A pre-conference social event
• Participation in EURAM doctoral colloqium
• SIG awards for Best Paper and Best Reviewer
• Publication of best papers in book
• A plenary session on SIG developments
• Opportunity to publish in special issues of journals: Journal of Family Business Strategy (family business track), Studies on Public and Non-profit Governance (Emerald) (Public and non-profit governance track)
For further details, please visit Questions about the program can be addressed to the SIG program chair Wim Voordeckers on
SIG Events
The Corporate Governance SIG organises and supports a number of events, some regular and others ad hoc.
The following are examples recent and current events:
• EIASM workshops on corporate governance, family business and top management teams
• Annual Norefjell workshop on board governance
• Ad hoc workshops: Women on boards (Oslo March 2011), Board diversity (Copenhagen September 2011)
• EDEN doctoral seminar on corporate governance: REGISTRATION NOW OPEN ON
If you are organising any workshops related to the corporate governance SIG, please contact Silke Machold on We can help you publicise your events.
The SIG Team
Chair: Sibel Yamak (
SIG Chair Elect: Silke Machold (
SIG Programme Chair: Wim Voordeckers (
SIG Programme Chair-Elect: Pascual Berrone (
Other officers:
• Past chairs: Alessandro Zattoni, Morten Huse
• Representatives at large: Joan Enric Ricart & Hans van Ees
• Treasurer: Amedeo Pugliese
• Secretary: Andrea Calabro
SIG: Gender, Race and Diversity in Organisations
The aim of the track is to advance contemporary thinking in the discipline of equality and diversity management by bringing international scholars with an interest in disadvantaged groups in employment in a European and international setting. We are interested in papers on equality and diversity management from all areas of the world, but especially in papers highlighting the European case. We encourage contributions from scholars from a broad range of disciplines: economics, management, human resource management, psychology, womens’s/ mens’s/ gender studies, sociology, and development. We welcome studies of single countries and comparative research.
Chairwoman: Beverly Dawn Metcalfe,, University of Manchester
Past Chairwoman: Dr. Sandra Fielden, University of Manchester Programme
Chair: Jawad Syed, University of Kent,
SIG: Innovation
Chair: John Bessant,, Exeter University
Vice Chairs: Bettina von Stamm, Innovation Leadership Forum
Kathrin M. Möslein, University of Erlangen
Innovation in the 21st century is pretty hard to ignore. It is a word on everyone’s lips and fills strategy statements, websites and press releases from businesses as diverse as high technology to hairdressing! It is as much a public sector as a private sector concern as politicians and civil servants seek for radically new ways to meet big challenges like health care, ageing populations, climate change and sustainability. The problem is not the presence or importance of innovation but how we might approach its organization and management? For this reason it is a theme of central interest to the EURAM community – and one which cuts across the many disciplinary interests of that community. Our understanding of what works and the underlying theory draws on a wide spread of fields including economics, psychology, statistics, sociology, engineering and systems theory to name but a few. It has been a long-standing issue explored in EURAM conferences, workshops and in the pages of our journals and the purpose of the SIG is to provide a focus for further development. In particular we hope to bring together the diverse community of interest and to share our knowledge, experience insights and research questions in a more focused fashion.
Amongst questions which we hope the SIG will address are:
- How can we use and apply the large body of knowledge around innovation that has been accumulated over time?
- What additional insights and knowledge are required to accelerate and progress the innovation journey?
- What are means and mechanisms to balance the need for change and innovation with the need for stability and operational excellence?
- In the ever increasing see of knowledge, how to find knowledge that is relevant and pertinent to a particular challenge we are facing?
- What new kinds of skills, roles and functions are required to drive the innovation agenda forwards and leverage the knowledge that exists?
- What are emerging tools, practices and frameworks in the field of innovation and its management?
- Which related fields ought to be considered to advance the field of innovation, e.g. entrepreneurship, decision making & game theory, design, creativity, neuroscience, complexity and chaos theories?
SIG: International Management
The Strategic Interest Group in International Management covers ALL subfields of International Management (e.g., strategy and structure of multinational corporations; cross-border activities of firms; the international business environment). Accepted submissions to this general call for papers will be grouped into sessions of related papers. Apart from these competitive paper sessions, the SIG IM will organize a symposium session (with invited contributions) under the theme “When in Rome, do as the Romans do – But where is Rome?”. The SIG in International Management is coordinated by Niels Noorderhaven, Donatella Depperu, Rian Drogendijk, Markus Kittler and Florian Becker-Ritterspach.
Chair: Rian Drogendijk,, Upsala University
Vice Chairs: Donatella Depperu, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Markus Kittler, University of Stirling
Niels Noorderhaven, Tilburg Univerisity
SIG: Knowledge and Learning
In Tallin 2011 we offer the following tracks (see
- Knowledge and Learning General Track
- Dynamic Capabilities: Theoretical Approaches and Practical Applications
- Organizational Ambidexterity: Extending Theory with Qualitative Approaches
- Absorptive Capacity: Organizational Learning Concepts beyond established Debates
In Tallin 2011 the Knowledge and Learning SIG also offers:
- Best paper and best reviewers awards
- A SIG plenary/DWG on: Impactful Knowing and Future Directions of K&L.
- A Conference Special Issue in the International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies
Past Chair: Prof. Elena Antonacopoulou, University of Liverpool (
Chair: Prof. Wolfgang H. Güettel, Johannes Kepler University Linz, (
Chair Elect: Prof. Allan Macpherson, De Montfort University, (
Programme Chair: Prof. Stephan Kaiser, Universität der Bundeswehr München (
Programme Chair Elect: Prof. Juani Swart; University of Bath, (
Representatives at large:
Dr. Gordon Müller-Seitz; Free University Berlin, (
Prof. Roberto Filippini, University of Padua
Treasurer and Representative at Large:
Dr. Anna Nosella, University of Padua, (
SIG: Organisational Behaviour
Aims and ScopeThe Organizational Behavior Special Interest Group aims at promoting research and networking interests in the individual and group behavior in the organizational context by providing a wide-ranging, engaged and internationally-focused forum to discuss and develop research and practice in the field.
Conferences develop around a variety of papers on both well-established topics and in different new streams of research.
Represents the following areas within Management
Organizational behavior deals with the study of individual and group behavior in the organizational context. Research on organizational behavior addresses issues facing today´s organizations such as immigration and increasing workforce diversity, technological innovation, teamwork, the use of flexible work arrangements, and leadership in flatter organizational structures. The purpose of this Strategic Interest Group is to develop an ongoing and constructive dialogue among organizational behavior scholars to conduct research that is relevant for management theory and practice in the contemporary world.
The following are some of the most relevant titles in organizational behavior:
- Shared and distributed leadership
- Followership and authentic leadership
- Power, influence tactics and political skills
- Work motivation and organizational justice
- Trust and collaborative behavior
- Individual and group decision-making
- Surface and deep-level diversity in groups
- Social categorization and identity processes
- Small group behavior and intergroup cooperation
- Group cognition and collective knowledge
- Virtual and geographically dispersed teams
- The adoption and diffusion of innovation
- New flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting
- Organizational identification and change
- Organizational change and individual transitions
- Time perspectives and innovation
- Work-nonwork relations and corporate social responsibility
- Social networks within organizations
- Participation and empowerment
- Employees’ well-being
- Organizational demography
- International organizational behavior
- Sense-making in and around organizations
- Performance and organizational citizenship behavior
- Ethical managerial practices
Margarita Mayo
IE Business School, Madrid, Spain
Luca Gnan, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Susan Cartwright, Lancaster University, UK
Juan I. Sanchez, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA
Maria Kakarika, Euromed Management School, Marseille, France
Alessandro Hinna University of Tor vergata, Faculty of Economics, Roma, Italy
Treasurer: IE Business School, Madrid, Spain
SIG: Project Organizing
Project Organising is a rapidly growing area of research interest unified by a concern with projects and programmes as temporary organizations with a pre-determined lifecycle. Thus the SIG addresses a distinctive organizational phenomenon while posing important challenges to predominant organization theory and practice.
Past Chair: Graham Winch,, University of Manchester
Chair: Miia Martinsuo,, Tampere University of Technology
Chair Elect: Hans Georg Gemünden, Berlin University of Technology
Programme Chair: Rodney Turner, SKEMA Business School
Programme Chair Elect: Christophe Midler, christophe.midler@polytechnique.eud, Ecole Polytechnique
SIG: Public Management
The Public Management Strategic Interest Group aims at providing a wide-ranging, authoritative and internationally-focused forum to discuss major developments and key debates in the field of governance, organization and management of public administrations and public services.
Current themes include, but are not limited to: network management, e-government, human resources management, ethics and trust, performance management, quality improvement, budgeting and accounting, etc.
Chair: Denita Cepiku,, University of Rome “Tor Vergata"
Robert Fouchet, Program chair elect responsible for preconference and professional development activities
Ricardo Mussari, Program chair in charge of the program and reviewing
Jane Broadbent, Chair elect responsible for the overall academic quality in the SIG
Reto Steiner, Chair with a main responsibility for (paper & referee) rewards
Marco Meneguzzo, Chair with a main responsibility for succession,
Other Officers:
Andrea Bonomi Savignon, Treasurer
Cristina Mititelu, Secretary
Luigi Corvo & Gloria Fiorani, Communication strategy (website, circulation of call for papers and program, contributions to euram newsletter, etc.)
Andrea Bonomi Savignon, Coordination of editorial activities (journals' special issues and
Research Methods and Research Practice
The Research Methods and Research Practice Strategic Interest Group aims to promote discussion around all aspects of research methods and research practice in the business and management disciplines. Its focus includes:
Epistemological foundations of research; quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods of data collection and analysis; and environmental and institutional factors affecting the conduct of research including funding regimes, quality audits, ethical regulation and control over publication outlets.
Chair: Bill Lee,, Univeristy of Sheffield Management School
Vice Chair: Robert Breitenecker, Klagenfurt University
Rainer Harms, University of Twente
Catherine Cassell, Manchester Business School
SIG: Sport as a Business: Internationalisation, Professionalisation, Commercialisation
The “Sport as a Business” SIG is a network of academics, practitioners, athletes and sport officials whose interests revolve around aspects of internationalization, professionalization and commercialization of sports in theory and in practice. The Group will function as a catalyst for building and disseminating new ideas around the business of sports.
Chair: Harald Dolles,, University of Gothenburg
Vice Chair: Sten Soderman, Stockholm University
SIG: Strategic Management
The 2011 European Academy of Management conference in Tallinn (Estonia) will feature once mroe the special interest group (SIG) on Strategic Management. Within this SIG we have included 5 sub-tracks, each dealing with very interesting topics.
Sub-track A “Corporate Strategy – Managing and Governing Alliances, M&As & Divertitures"
Sub-track B "Strategic Renewal: Driving Sustained Adaptation in Changing Environments"
Sub-track C "Exploration, Exploitation & Organisational Ambidexterity
Sub-track D "Management & Technological Innovation at a Crossroads: New Processes, Practices & Structures
Sub-track E "Product-Market Strategies: The Relationship Between Production Strategies & Customer Value
For a full description of the track activities, please click here.
Chair: Henk W. Volberda,, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
Vice Chairs: Maurizio Zollo, Bocconi University, Italy
Fariborz Damanpour, Rutgers Business School, USA
Charles Baden-Fuller, Cass Business School, UK
Tomi Laamanaen, Aalto University Institute of Strategy, Finland
Frans A.J. van den Bosch, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
NEW: Download the call for papers for the EURAM Mini-Conference on Management Innovation, to be held 24-25 November 2011 at Erasmus University. The Deadline for submission is 1 August 2011.